Russell Homer

Message from Russell who now lives in Grand Cayman
This is Russell Homer and can't be there as we live in Grand
Cayman now. Tax haven yes - but no, nothing like The Firm
movie version and all that money laundering. Laura and I got
married in New York City last December 2008 (see youtube
link below.... its only a few mins, promise!) and expecting our
first baby in Jan 2010 (the bump has told me he/she is looking
forward to a trip to South Africa in June/July 2010!!)
Cayman Islands - paradise yes - but have to tackle the odd
hurricane living in hurricane alley and Guardian Business
reporter from time to time -well done ALJ on organising
reunion drinks - sorry can't be there
RSH x x
The house Russell built (?) in Grand Cayman
Russell married Laura in New York (in style!)
on 20 December 2008
He is also on YouTube at -

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