Jerry Pannu

Message from Jerry who now lives in Melbourne, Australia -
Been here in Melbourne for nearly 6 years now -enjoying it immensly
- met up with Rob McGill in Sydney earlier in the year, he is well, and
hasn't changed a bit. Also live close to Glyn Yates in Melbourne -he is
well too, has two sons, and is an avid marathon runner. Mike White
has been out to visit us a couple of times, and Maria D'Abbraccio
too from Christchurch in NZ. Hope that things are good back in
Blighty - please say hello to everyone at the drinks next week!!
Details of the company for which I work here in Australia are at -
Some photos of Jerry and his two sons aged 13 and 8 -
Coffs Harbour
DreamWorld Brisbane
Jerry with Mike White and Glen McGrath
(sorry photo a bit small!)
Chrismas in Australia!

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