Anne Stott is retiring from RSM - the successor firm to Kidsons -
at the end of October 2016. Anne has worked for the firm for
35 years having joined Chalmers Impey back in 1981 - mergers
saw the name change to Hodgson Impey, Kidsons Impey,
HLB Kidsons, Baker Tilley and most recently RSM

RSM held a retirement presentation for Anne in their Birmingham
office on Friday 21 October 2016 and some photos are set out
below - hopefully you will all recognise some of the faces!

I am sure you will all join me in wishing Anne
all the best for the future

Gordon Stretch

Bill Devitt, Steve Hodgetts and Adrian Jones

Martin Cashmore and Jenny Organ - maybe better known to
some as Jenny Gunn of the Kidsons National Finance office

Joanne Baldwin and Simon Atkins

Steve Hodgetts and Anne Stott

Anne Stott's retirement presentation in the RSM Birmingham office board room

Simon Atkins, Joanne Baldwin, Adrian Jones and Anne Stott

Anne Stott and Jenny Organ

Reunion photos now on-line!!
The reunion on Wednesday 2 December 2009 was a fantastic
occasion with more than 70 people in attendance
Our resident photographer, Gordon Stretch, did an excellent
job of capturing the mood of the evening and here, as a record
of the night, are 50 photos for you to enjoy
If you continue to scroll down the page you will also find some
"historic" Kidsons photos and at the bottom are some messages
/photos from our former colleagues who are currently abroad
A big thank you to everyone who made the evening such a success!!
Photos on the Kidsons blog!!
To see a larger image just "click" on the photo!
To save the image just right "click" on the
photo and then "save" it
The photos appear in chronological order
- to find someone just "click" on their name in
the listing on the right hand column

Sorry if anyone got missed!
Any more photos then send to
".... the last pay rise Adrian gave me was that big!"
Duncan Moore and Colm McGrory
Glenda Toney, Vanessa Jetson (nee Smith) and Jo Boyle (nee Williams)
Betsy Johnson, Jenny Baker and Glenda Toney
Andrew Maidstone, Duncan Moore and Colm McGrory
Guy Pain, Nigel Mander and Roger Otto
Simon Preston, Phillip Allen and Peter Whatson
Joanne Baldwin, Anne Stott and Karen Street (nee Peters)
Jill Breakwell and Pardip Phull
Ken Dearn and Nigel Anson
Jill Breakwell, Louise Koumides (nee Elrington) and Janet Mustoe
Lily Hodge and Vanessa Steele
Betsy Johnson and Jenny Baker
Keith Peters and John Talbot
Vanessa Jetson (nee Smith) and Steve Smith
Colm McGrory and Chris Lees
Pete Whitehead and Julie Forth-Eglon
Steve Smith, Nigel Mander, Chris Lees and Pete Whitehead
Anita White and Mair Jones
Vanessa Jetson (nee Smith) and Adrian Jones
Dean Ramsdale, Eric Byrne and Steve Smith
Jill Breakwell, Vanessa Steele and Martin Cashmore
Chris Steele and Ian Gould
Terry Pauley, Shaun Fox and John Whitehead
Alan Possart, Lee Koumides, Jo Boyle and Joy Leel
Guy Pain and Ian Barker
Marcel and Margaret Butterfield and Adrian Jones
Duncan Moore, Mike White and Andrew Maidstone
Simon Atkins and Joanne Baldwin
John Pottinger and Bob Butler
Hedley Brunt and Phillip Allen
Natalie Parsonage and Jill Breakwell
Vanessa Jetson (nee Smith), Martin Cashmore
and Louise Koumides (nee Elrington)
Vanessa Steele and Fleur Holden
Sarah Griffiths, Nigel Mander and Claire Round (nee Doyle)
Mair Jones and Betsy Johnson
Jenny Baker and Anita White
Guy Pain and Joe Kelly
Adam Smith, Russell Worrall and Ross Cocker
Chris Steele and Vanessa Birt
The three wise men?
Hedley Brunt, Phillip Allen and Ian Gould
Well they are all Insolvency practitioners!!
Alan Possart and Natalie Parsonage